Nutrition & Physical Health
This program provides education on making healthier eating choices and understanding the consequences of food choices. Along with supplying nutrition outreach seminars to the community, healthy, cooked meals and fresh in season fruit are always the “snacks” available at our program settings.
This program also utilizes the sport of boxing to help get our participants and their families in shape. Knights in the Ring host family-friendly fitness sessions to get everyone moving. The program shows families that they do not need a ring to BOB & WEAVE! Beginning with a few demonstrations participants will learn to move like a champion, by jumping rope, sit-ups, push- ups, and shadow boxing. In addition, participants will discover how to eat balanced and nutritious meals with the foods that are available to them within their communities.

People from lower socio-economic communities are at greater risk for poor health and worse health outcomes such as diabetes, heart disease, strokes and obesity and have other social disparities that affect both adult and children’s health (Food Research & Action Center 2017)